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let’s talkabout

hi, this is first page of my blog. i didn’t think deeply and didn’t consider anything when i decide to make a new blog. “walk about” i like this phrase so i changed it little bit and this is it. “talkabout”

if you don’t know me, please go to “about me” on my photo site “tokyokazzo” lol

so anyway, maybe i am getting old? or i am just jabber? i don’t know but i wanted to write blog for long but it took long to make decision. i don’t know why but i took long.

i’ve been using free blog service for 2 years. since i got a7iii, october 2019. i started blog, it was december 2019? i forgot but something like that. then i found some problems on that free service. no ads, no text limitation, etc but photo size has to be under 2MB, it trims automatically so my photo turned to low pixel, etc.

it’s free so you can’t complain. so i decide to move to other service. then i found very beautiful minimalistic design free blog site. so i migrated all photos and texts to new one. and it was totally free! no storage size. i really really like it but last year, 2021 december i got email from them and said “we decide to end our service by end of may 2022”


just a year or so since i started to use that blog service. so again, i have to find another blog service.

yeah free service, you can’t trust them. i knew it!

so, from my experience, i strongly recommend you to do not use free blog service. lol

it is true. they often change their service, condition of terms, etc by using the word “update” but you have to be patient against their unkindness. same thing i can say this to SNS though.

i’ve been using hosting service for years. i had my homepage when i was a psychological therapist before. since i quit, i was just using that service for my email system. so i decide to get a new domain and build my photo site. that’s

it was first time to setup with wordpress but it wasn’t that hard. took 2 weeks but only weekend i worked on it. so actually i spent 3 or 4 days to setup everything.

after i setup, i thought, maybe i should have one more for text blog. so from last night after my work, i made sub doamin under then installed another wordpress, and then set up everything and i am writing this. wordpress is quite easy to setup, build a website. i like it.

anyway, i hope you will enjoy 🙂

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