Hi, This is kazzo. i am operating, managing, updating the photo site “tokyokazzo”.
when i created that website, I thought that I should not have too many words on the site where photos are exhibited, so I only write a little recent information when i post.
words leads your impression of the photo. that’s not what i want.
so i don’t write much when i post my pictures.
though sometimes i think i’d better post my thougts about photo so this is it.
please remember this, life changes so you change your mind and thoughts. so do i. i might have different point of view in future after i wrote something. maybe i might pick up same subject and say something different. it’s because i am living and keep changing. maybe i write something i deny but later on i write same subject and might say something totally oppsite.
the reason i write, is just spitting out my thoughts. nothing more, nothing less.
i don’t know why but i wanted to write blog for long but i was really taking it so seriously. too serious about it. but since i decide to use my server for photo blog called “tokyokazzo” with my own domain, i decide to start to write something on my head.
warmth, kazzo